

It all started when…

The first time I had to write and artist bio in the third person. It was kinda lame. Sometimes though you gotta do what you gotta do, but I’m not doing it here. I was born in 1971 somewhere in the Pacific Northwest - that makes me kinda old but not too old. I had a bunch of siblings. I still like most of them. I had to go to church a lot growing up. For a bit I loved it until I didn’t anymore. Its like believing in Sasquatch and you really want to believe, but you keep watching those shows where they go looking for him and guess what? They don’t fucking find him because he’s either not real or lives in a parallel universe or some shit like that. It also turns out prophets and preachers like lots of money, other people’s wives and letting jack-wagons who give them money get away with bad shit. So after a bunch of wasted years I finally got out of that fucking mess. I went to school and got a few degrees. It was pretty fun. When I stopped skipping class, got serious about it and got my homework done and done on time, it was even more fun. So this is kind of a cliche but also true, as many cliches are: I always had art and I always had some hope that art could make the world better. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. I still keep making it even when it sucks. What really matters about me is the following: I don’t like marshmallows unless they are roasted, Mexican food is the best, I love movies, I like classic punk rock but my favorite band is probably The Beatles, I love my dog, I think most art is pretty rad, Hieronymus Bosch is hands down a legend, Thomas Kincaid is lame, and I really do love my dog. Now if all that doesn’t make you want to make art, nothing will. - JJ Harty